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أهلا وسهلا بك ضيفنا الكريم، إذا كانت هذه زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى، فيرجى التكرم بزيارة صفحة التعليمات، بالضغط هنا.كما يشرفنا أن تقوم بالتسجيل بالضغط هنا إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى، وفي حال رغبت بقراءة المواضيع والإطلاع فتفضل بزيارة القسم الذي ترغب أدناه.
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إضغط علي شارك اصدقائك او لمشاركة اصدقائك!

منتديات رضا الرحمن :: رضا الرحمن العام :: رضا الرحمن العام

الوقايه من مرض السرطان Emptyالأحد فبراير 02, 2014 7:44 am
المشاركة رقم:
الصورة الرمزية

عدد المساهمات : 113
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/01/2014


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مُساهمةموضوع: الوقايه من مرض السرطان الوقايه من مرض السرطان Emptyالأحد فبراير 02, 2014 7:44 am

الوقايه من مرض السرطان

Cambridge (Massachusetts U.S.): «Middle East» *
Will get one out of every three Americans is some sort of malignant tumor types during his lifetime. In this year alone will be diagnosed 1,000,437 thousand new cases of cancer, die of whom 565 thousand people.
Cancer is the second killer disease in the United States. However, with the contraction in the number of deaths from heart disease, the cancer will occupy first place in the killer diseases. Despite these grim statistics, the doctors have succeeded in understanding the biology of cancer cells, as a means of reinforced diagnosed and treated for cancer.

But, instead of waiting for the superstar accomplishments, the able to protect yourself from this disease now.

* Medical tests

* Committed to conduct medical tests, including tests can detect cancer before symptoms appear. This means that for men between the ages of 15 and 35 years old, visiting the doctor to examine the testicles, in addition to screening men for them self. And the men who over the age of 50 years of testing on colorectal cancer, and that they take their decision to the person, after receiving adequate information about screening for prostate cancer.

The men who have risk factors, they should make the last two Alvhchin earlier. Then every man should also examine the body itself to monitor any signs of tumors, melanoma or other skin cancers.

These tests help to monitor the malignant tumors in the early stages, but you have to be always vigilant to monitor any signs of disease.

The American Cancer Society has developed a simple list of reminders (these symptoms) several years ago (consisting of several recommendations make up the word CAUTION, which means «warning»):

* C: changes in the habits of the stomach and bladder

* A: ulceration is not on track to recovery

* U: bleeding or blood out unusual

* T: increase in fish or the appearance of a block, in the breast or elsewhere

* I: Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing

* O: obvious changes in warts

* N: Nagging Cough or hoarseness, and this instruction manual public, since the vast majority of such symptoms can appear as a result of a satisfactory non-cancerous, and that the cancer may lead to other symptoms did not remember that list, such as weight loss or stress, which is not have no explanation. However, the list is a useful reminder to make you listen to your body and inform your doctor what you hear! The early diagnosis is important, but you can reduce the risk of cancer before you have everything? Although the answer seems excellent so you can not ratified, they are real.

The researchers estimated the Faculty of Public Health at Harvard University that it can prevent the occurrence of nearly 75 per cent of the deaths of Americans with cancer. The table below shows a summary of their research on the causes of cancer in the United States.

The American Cancer Society, they are less optimistic in regards to prevention of the disease, it is estimated that 60 per cent of deaths can only prevention. A study carried out in 2005 that more than 2.4 million out of 7 million deaths due to cancer, can be attributed to risk factors could have been redressed.

* The Ten Commandments

* You do not have to be a scientist internationally so that they can understand the ways to protect yourself and your family.

Here are 10 and the commandments of cancer prevention.

* Healthy food

* Avoid tobacco in all its forms, as well as exposure to secondary smoke from it.

* Eating properly. Reduce your consumption of saturated fat and red meat, which appears to increase the risks of injury Bsrtani colon and prostate. Reduce the intake of food grilled on coal (especially meat), and avoid foods heavy in fat fryer. Eat more fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Although the results of other studies have been mixed, the two studies and broad in 2003 were found that a diet rich in fiber may reduce the risk of colon cancer. And do not forget to take fish two to three times a week, so you will provide protection from heart disease, and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

* Sports and Fitness

* Exercise regularly. Physical activity is associated with reduced risk of colon cancer, as it may help ward off the risk of prostate cancer. It seems that exercise helps reduce the risk of breast cancer in women, and perhaps in reducing genital cancers as well. And sports will help protect you, even if did not lead to lose weight.

Keep your fitness. Obesity increases the risk of many types of cancer. And calculates the calories you intake: If you need to become a graceful, reduced intake of calories burned and a greater number of exercise.

Avoid alcohol, which leads to abundance increased risk of cancers of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, liver and colon. It also increases the risk of breast cancer in women. And smoking with him over more than tumors arising from the consumption of alcohol.

* Radiation and toxins

* Avoid unnecessary exposure to radiation. And do not conduct tests only radiographic pictures if necessary. Check your home to make sure the levels of radon radiation, which increases the risk of lung cancer. Protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation in sunlight, which increases the risk of malignant melanoma and other skin cancers. But do not worry about the presence of electromagnetic fields generated by high voltage lines, power transmission, or areas of high frequency waves from microwave ovens, mobile phones, as they do not lead to cancer.

Avoid exposure to industrial and environmental toxins, such as asbestos, benzene, aromatic amines, aromatic amines, and polychlorinated biphenyls polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

* Antiviral drugs and

* Avoid viruses that contribute to the occurrence of cancer, including hepatitis viruses, HIV «HEV», and the virus HPV human papillomavirus. And many of them move when sexual contact or through injection needles.

* Consider taking aspirin from smaller doses. Men who ate the aspirin or other medicines nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, they seem to suffer less risk of getting cancer of the colon and possibly prostate cancer. But it is not to demonstrate these benefits, and that aspirin may cause bleeding in the stomach and other side effects, even if small doses. However, in terms of benefits, the same small doses of aspirin protects men from heart attack and stroke, the most common. Therefore, men who have high risk factors for reaping more benefits from it.

Get what is sufficient vitamin «de», as recommended by many experts now eating between 800 to 1000 IU a day of it, a goal almost impossible without taking the supplements. Although prevention by him are still not installed, the evidence suggests that vitamin «de» may help reduce the risk of Bsrtani prostate, colon and other malignancies. But, do not depend on eating other types of supplements, if that studies minute about selenium, vitamin «C» and «E», beta carotene, folic acid and multivitamins have shown that they are not protective, and some of which may lead to more harm than benefits.

These changes in lifestyle will lead in turn to provide utility and other protective against cancer, namely, that you keep you enjoy body properly, you will not need a cure for cancer (chemical drugs, radiation therapy, drugs inhibitory to the immune system), the treatments that include within them , paradoxically, increase the risks of additional cancers.

Prevention remains always the best medicine



الموضوع الأصلي : الوقايه من مرض السرطان // المصدر : منتدى الفهلوى // الكاتب : رضا الرحمن

توقيع : رضا الرحمن


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